Odessa State Environmental University

Odessa State Environmental University (OSENU) was founded in 1932 as a technical education and research institution of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Presently, in accordance with the Statute, OSENU is the object of state property and is an affiliated body of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. The University is the National Education and Research centre in the fields of:

  • Environmental Science and Studies;
  • Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

OSENU consists of 15 institutions that include such establishments as state colleges, the Kharkiv Hydrometeorological College, alongside with Scientific Centre of Air Pollution.

OSENU Campuses:

  • Odessa State Environmental University Campus;
  • Kharkiv Hydrometeorological College;
  • Kherson Hydrometeorological College;
  • Sevastopol Scientific Centre for Graduate Students.

OSENU Educational Division:

  • Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute;
  • Faculty of Environmental Science;
  • Faculty of Environmental and Economics Studies;
  • Faculty of Computer Science;
  • Faculty of Distance Learning;
  • Faculty of Life-Long Learning.

OSENU Research Division:

  • Scientific Centre of Ocean Research;
  • Scientific Centre of Marine Biology;
  • Centre of Hydrometeorological Forecasting;
  • Scientific Centre of Air Pollution;
  • Sevastopol Scientific Centre for Graduate Students.


The University pride ourselves on providing the students with up-to-date high quality education and boasts scientific and teaching staff, which is the most potent in Ukraine in the fields of Hydrometeorology, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Environmental Management and Environmental Control.

Training of Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science, the title speciality of Odessa State Environmental University, is carried out with the aim of their subsequent employment in departments and units of the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine, the Ministry of Emergencies & Affairs of Population Protection from Consequences of Chornobyl Catastrophe of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and other departments. In addition, the Baccalaureate graduates can be engaged in nature protection activity at enterprises in both state and private sectors of the economy. Environmental education enables the graduates to be occupied with their professional activity and take an active part in public work.

Environmental study at Odessa State Environmental University is carried out on the basis of Normative Documents (Acts and Regulations) of the Sectoral Standard for Higher Education in Ukraine. The documents determine obligatory requirements for the quality of knowledge, abilities and practical skills of baccalaureate graduates in Environmental Science (the list of obligatory disciplines and practical training courses, structure of academic modules, amount of academic credits on their completion etc).

At the same time Odessa State Environmental University, as the leading university in the field, enjoys strong positions at providing autonomous training of Bachelors of Science in Environmental Science, initiating amendments to the aforementioned normative documents in view of Ukraine’s prospective entering the European and World education space. Moreover, normative documents do not specify a logical framework for delivering of the listed obligatory disciplines.

Normative disciplines comprise 63%, and the disciplines by election of the University (the Electives) make 37% of the Baccalaureate Curriculum in Environmental Science. Thus the share of the Cycle of Humanity and Socio-Economic Training makes 17%, the disciplines of the Cycle of Natural-Science Training – 47% and the rest (36%) is designated for the disciplines of professional and practical training cycle.

15 Lvivska Str, Odessa, 65016, Ukraine. Phone: +38 048 785 2720
© Odessa State Environmental University, 2013